
What Causes Dry Skin On Elbows And Knees

Thanks to sporadic atmospheric condition changes, our pare tin can sure take a chirapsia – with our elbows being one of the biggest culprits for dry, scaly pare.

We spoke to two peel experts to notice out why exactly nosotros're getting dry elbows, and how to treat the annoying problem.

Why do we get dry elbows?

Information technology's all well-nigh the glands in your elbows, or lack of, according to Dr Mervyn Patterson, cosmetic dermatologist at Woodford Medical.

"Skin on the elbow is significantly different to other skin on your body," he tells us. "It tends to be much thicker so as to be able to withstand mechanical stretching, and is drier because this area has significantly fewer sebaceous glands, the oil-secreting parts of the pare."

In general, our elbows and the lower parts of our legs produce less of the key lipids that aid moisturise the acme layer of our pare. This means more unwanted external factors can affect our elbows, and less water is retained in them.

Dr Noor Almaani, consultant dermatologist at The Individual Clinic of Harley Street, shared some other unique factors that contribute to dry elbows, including:

  • Friction, such as from clothes, or when resting the elbows on hard surfaces.
  • Full general body dehydration.
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal changes, such as the menopause
  • Hereditary weather condition, such as eczema

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    Are dry out elbows linked to whatsoever other medical condition?

    Some conditions and medications can be the crusade of your dry out skin, too. Both diabetes and thyroid issues have been linked to dryness of elbows and knees.

    "Conditions such every bit thyroid bug or diabetes disrupt skin office mostly and are linked to dry skin all over the torso, making dryness on the elbows much worse," says Dr Patterson.

    "Some medications, such as vitamin A derivatives, are also linked to elbow dryness," adds Dr Almaani.

    dry elbows

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    Information technology'south as well important to remember that the vast majority of dry out elbow cases are non due to other weather or underlying primary pare affliction, but instead the disruption of normal skin. In fact, dry peel and an issue like psoriasis are 2 completely unlike things.

    "Psoriasis is a pare disease where the trunk's ain immune system attacks the pare," Dr Patterson tells us. "Inflammation is a result of an overproduction of layers of skin cells, which so heap up on each other forming psoriasis plaques."

    How to soften scaly, dry elbows

    1. Avoid using lather-based skin cleaning routines, particularly harsh alkaline soaps and surfactants.
    2. Try to avert exfoliating using abrasive creams and glycolic materials. "For my own clients, I recommend something like Epionce Farthermost Barrier Cream," Dr Patterson tells u.s.. "This product is specially formulated with central lipids and emollients to deeply penetrate and replenish the lipids that are so scarce in these areas."
    3. Ensuring the skin barrier is intact by using regular, greasy moisturisers.
    4. Avoid taking long, hot showers. "This can pb to depletion of intercellular lipids and desiccation of the outermost layer of the skin," says Dr Almaani
    5. Vigorous rubbing or exfoliation should be avoided. It might be worth using cushions or padded material when resting elbows on hard surfaces for long periods of time

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